Partial, Full & Immediate Dentures


Whether a partial or full mouth denture, it can be an intimidating prospect to commit to extracting your teeth and replacing them with a set of 'false teeth'. At Colombo Street Dental we understand the importance of a confident and functional smile. Our denture services are designed to provide you with comfortable, natural-looking, and effective solutions for replacing missing teeth.


What are my Denture Options?

Full dentures are the ideal fix for patients who need to replace all teeth in the upper and/or lower jaw. An individually custom fit that feels secure and designed to improve your ability to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

Partial dentures are perfect for patients who are missing several teeth but still have natural teeth remaining. The custom-made dentures will be matched to your existing teeth for a natural appearance and feel.

What to Expect

What to Expect with New Dentures

Dentures, whether full or partial, will take some getting used to. Expect it to take a few weeks for the muscles in your mouth to full adjust to the feeling of them. It is common to notice a sense of fullness/bulkiness when first wearing them but rest assured, this sensation will subside. Your lips may take time to adapt to the fullness of the denture boarders and muscle tension may cause a slightly awkward appearance, however this will also improve. Eating with a new denture and learning to chew satisfactorily may take time but will soon be muscle memory. To help with these adjustments it is important you practice talking aloud to yourself or by reading a book so the muscles in your mouth can learn how to function with the denture.

Denture Adjustments

Once you are wearing your new dentures it may be necessary to have adjustments made. It is common for sore spots to appear if gum tissue is being pinched between the denture and the bone. We can adjust your denture accordingly should soreness develop, as well as natural improvement over time. If you have taken the denture out due to soreness, make sure you wear it for 6-8 hours before your next appointment so we can easily identify areas they may need adjusting. It is also still important to visit us once a year for a check-up to see how your dentures are going and that your mouth is happy and healthy.

Care & Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for the longevity and effectiveness of your dentures:

Dentures are fragile and must be handled with care. Cleaning them over a full sink of water or towel will minimise the risk of damaging or breaking them should you drop them. Soaking them overnight in commercial denture solutions such as Steradent or Polident will keep them moist, preventing them from drying out and possible dimension changes. Daily cleaning of your dentures should be done each night when removed for sleep and if possible after each meal. Use a soft toothbrush or dental brush with warm soapy water to clean all surfaces.

DO NOT use hot water or abrasive cleaners such as toothpaste on the dentures as it will damage and wear away the surface allowing plaque to readily accumulate.

For metal partial or full mouth dentures, DO NOT soak them in solution which contains chlorine as this will lead to the metal tarnishing and corroding.

It is still important to keep good oral hygiene habits to prevent fungal infection, inflammation and odours from developing within the mouth. Make sure you are using a soft or ultra soft toothbrush to clean your gums, cheeks, tongue and the roof of your mouth. You may also like to use a mouthwash in addition to brushing.

Your Appointments

A consultation with a dentist is the first step to getting dentures. You may be referred to a denture specialist or temporary dentures may be made for you in some cases. The immediate denture option will involve fitting in your new dentures after your extraction appointment, and they will need to be adjusted over time. Sedation may be an option for you if you need to have a lot of extractions and are anxious about the procedure.


For dentures, payment is usually made for the whole process as opposed to payment per appointment. We aim to be transparent with pricing as possible so there are no surprises, however, note that this is a rough guideline as every individual is different. 

Initial Assessment: Consultations are $137 (or $69 for a WINZ quote for a treatment plan). Our dentists will assess and give you a treatment plan and quote tailored to you.

Partial Dentures 
Plastic Partial - $1,500 
Metal Partial -  $2,500

Full Dentures - 
Temporary/Immediate Denture  - $850 per arch (OR $1700 for both)

In-House Milled Permanent Denture - $2000 per arch (OR $3500 for both)

Premium Quality Card Teeth (Sent to Lab) - $2500 per arch (OR $4500 for both)

Refer to our other pages more information on the process & the pricing of: